Good Afternoon
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Bon Jovi


turn back time

about me
name: rayne / sage
pronouns: they/them
timezone: eastern time
for more info please read rules and guidelines
check these links

byf / dni
byf -> agnostic atheist | lgbtq+ person | tone tags preferred | social anxiety | adhd
dni -> dsmp fan | kpop stan | homophobic | political vocalist | dc hater | christian / overly religious

1: Be patient if you've placed an order
2: Do not steal or claim as your own
3: Always give/keep credit
4: I will decline requests if I see fit
5: Pay in full or half-and-half for an order
6: I will leave chats as I'll be flooded with them
7: I'll respect you if you respect me
8: If you have questions please pm me

My guidelines will change whenever it needs to be updated. Shops and commissions (TASA) will be closed/opened if I have to. I do not tolerate being plagiarised, stolen from etc. My reports form above is for you to submit if you've seen someone stealing my work. I do not mind inspiration, however I'd prefer if you credit me for such. My blacklist and whitelist are available for view. If you cancel your order before I get started, you may receive half of what you originally paid for. If you cancel your order while I'm working on it, you will not get refunded and you'll get onto the blacklist. If you never get back to me in regards of your order I will cancel it and you'll be on the blacklist. Trying to negotiate a different price that's lower from what I set will be denied. You can view updates on my TASA or TSA profiles.